
American National Government

Syllabus - Read this syllabus like a contract:  it specifies what can be expected from the course, as well as the obligation of each student in preparing for and attending class.  Students are expected to be aware of all the material contained in the syllabus.  Portions of the syllabus may change with prior warning from the instructor, and all changes will be announced in class.

Shane Rogers Instructor

E-Mail:…… srogers@lakeland.cc.il.us


This course aims at highlighting the mechanisms and complexities of American government and politics at the national level.  This course hopes to expose students to some theoretical approaches within the field, focusing upon important issues and debates in American politics at the national level.  The course will enable the student to understand the workings of state and local governments, and in doing so, broaden the student's ability to interpret the workings of national politics.  This course is also designed to provide you with the most useful up-to-date assessment of national politics.   Historical and contemporary contexts, federal-state relations, will be a few of the recurring themes in the course.  Perhaps most importantly, the course will help students better understand and appreciate the system of Government we have in the United States.

The Text – In order to earn a passing grade for the course it is imperative that you read the text and take detailed notes.

Academic Integrity

In cases of academic dishonesty on tests, quizzes assignments, you will receive a failing grade for that work. Which will most likely result in a failing grade for the course

In cases of Academic integrity the policy outlined in the Lakeland College Student Handbook pages  will be followed.



Chapter Assessment Quizzes: @ 20 pts each  

Examinations: - Three or four Tests (not including the comprehensive final) @100 pts each.

Comprehensive final = 100 pts  Failure to take the final examination results in a course grade of "F" there is no make-up for the final examination.  

You may use your own handwritten notes on Tests, Quizzes and the Final Exam. No study guides or typed notes, laptop, or electronic device of any kind will be allowed to be used on or during tests, Quiz, or final exam times.

Grading: A = 90+% B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69% F = 59-%

Non-Text Reading/Writing Assignment =   various points assigned depending on the nature of the assignment
Term Project = 

The above is an example of the course requirements. It is not absolute, and is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Your course grade for the semester is determined by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points possible. For example, if there were four exams and five quizzes (but no term paper), a base of 450 points would be set for the semester. If you received full credit for all exams and projects and your score was  85 on each of the four exams, your total is 390. Your grade is: 390/450 = 86% or "B" for the course.

Exams: Exams may include any and all types of questions T/F; M/C; Essay; Identify and Define; fill in the Blank; Short Answer. Exams will include all materials presented in the course. To help guarantee a perfect test score,  There are no make-ups or re-takes on Exams. If you have to be absent on the date of a test due to extreme situations  notify me in advance so arrangements may be made for you to take the test.

Quizzes An Assessment Quiz is likely for each chapter. They may consist of any and all types of questions T/F; M/C; Essay, Identify and Define, Fill in the blank, and Short Answer. no make-up or re-take is allowed.

Non –Text Reading/Writing Assignments

You will be required to complete at least one non-text reading assignment during the course of the semester, as assigned by the instructor. I expect your review to be written in a careful and thoughtful manner.

Each article review summary must follow a specific format that will be presented to you in class at the time of the assignment.. Deviations from the format will lower your grade, and significant deviations may result in no grade being given for the assignment.

Late Assignment Policy

Late assignments will not be accepted!! I will give you a sufficient amount of time to prepare and complete all assignments. Should you not be in class to get an assignment  and it is an in class assignment, those points will not be allowed to be made up, unless I had prior knowledge of your absence,  I would suggest you inform me in person, call or e-mail me before the class so that you may be made aware of the assignment and due date. I have included below my telephone number and e-mail address along with the secretary of the NE building’s telephone # where you may leave a message with me.

Participation & Attendance

Participation -  requires your active participation.  You should come to class  after having completed assigned readings prepared to discuss them. 

Some of the readings will come from primary sources other than the text.  Many of them will require a careful reading and study in a quiet setting free from distractions and will will in all likelihood need to be read a second time for complete understanding.  If you have properly prepared, the authors thoughts and ideas should be made clear to you.  To augment your comprehension, you should take notes as you read, highlighting and summarizing the text's arguments and your thoughtful responses to them.  Bring the assigned readings, and your notes, to class with you each day. I will not re-read the text material to you. I will provide examples of the concepts in the reading in lectures & class discussion.

Participation requires attendance at all class sessions.  Your presence in class is necessary for fruitful discussions, as well as for you to gain a complete comprehension of ideas not included in the text.  Therefore your success and grade in the class is highly dependent upon your attendance and participation.

Attendance Policy

My attendance policy is simple, if you are attending the class that means you are present on that day.  I do not distinguish between a good excuse and a bad one for being absent.  If you are absent it will undoubtedly  have a detrimental affect on your grade if points are given out that day for an assignment and the assignment is missed, the late assignment policy governs the situation.

The class will begin on time so be sure to come on time and not disrupt class time and other students by showing up late.


OFFICE:   My office is located in the Northeast building: #11

My telephone # is 217-234-5236

email - srogers@lakeland.cc.il.us

Secretary of NE building Telephone # 234-5328

 Office Hours – Mon, Wed, Fri to be updated

                            Tues, Thurs 

                              Or by appointment


Thank You for signing up for the class I look forward to working with you!